Thursday, March 23, 2023

The New, Improved Jesus


Italienne missionnaire manchot, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

The Supreme court has declined to hear a Florida case that would have made it harder to sue over government violation of the First Amendment. We will have to wait for another day to force our medieval religious opinions on a public that is moving away from that mindset.

But wait. Clarence "Uncle" Thomas and his quest to theocratize government is not through yet. The authoritarian right will find other, similar cases to force us into the loving arms of televangelist, I mean men of God. Praise Jesus!

The Church of England has declared its intention to refuse to allow marriage rites to same-sex couples. Take away our God-given right to hate gays and who is left for us Christians to deny Christ's love? Well yes, there are women, atheists, liberals, and intellectuals, but except for atheists, he can't hate as hard on them as we can on the LGBTQ people and we must vent our pent-up rage at our growing irrelevance somehow, mustn't we?

Across the ocean, an agent of the American federal government has ruled that higher education institution are withing their rights to discriminate against homosexuals. Our need to keep a large segment of the population in the closet and out of higher education has advanced, thanks to a federal jusdge and a freedom-loving group with a record of defending reliously-affiliated universities we are one step closer to pushing these "Others" back into the closet.

Jesus loves you, some of you.

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