Frank, my Gun Toting, Bible Thumping, Trump voting, flag
waving, libtard hating, gay bashing, camo cosplaying acquaintance tells me (and anyone else
within earshot) that he has proof of (1.) a god's existence (he doesn't elaborate
on which one), and (2.) proof that the 2022 mid-term elections were rigged.
When I asked which god? He responded:
"Duh, the only one, Dumbass."
"So, The Invisible Pink Unicorn."
That sent him into a rage, a rage that didn't answer my
question. A series of Bible verses written by stone-age poets convinced me that
he meant the god of the Bible.
"Oh," I said. "You mean Elohim."
"No, Dumbass, I mean Jehovah, the One True God."
I stand corrected.
"Have you discussed your proof with any scientists, or
universities, or peer-reviewed journals?"
A rhetorical question. I already knew the answer.
His "proof" was a document that makes the
claim--The Bible. That's like using the Quran to "prove" the
existence of Allah, or Bullfinch's Mythology to "prove" the existence
of Zeus.
Frank wasn't buying it, though. Every word in the Bible is true,
he says.
"Even the parts that contradict each other?" I
There are no contradictions, he says. You have to know how
to read the text to understand it.
"So, God inspired the writers of the book to encode it
so that only a select few know the secret to translating it.
At that point Frank refused to talk to me any further on the
subject, leaving me confused. We didn’t even get to the part about the so-called thrown
election. Ah, but rest assured, Frank will have something to say about that soon. He is, you see, a member of that demographic who identifies with his hate--a demographic that brings to the rational observer both amusement and concern. And hate, like pain, is a condition that demands expression.