I live in a country where people try to make the abortion rate go down by making it harder for women to get birth control. --John Fugelsang
I'm seeing online comments about the US withdrawal from Afghanistan as a defeat for American power and an indicator of the decline of the West. American Women feel that defeat and decline all the way to Texas where an American Taliban, based on a faulty reading of Christian scripture, And an extremist ideology in power in the legislature, passed a law that makes illegal the termination of unwanted pregnancies. Combining fascism with Stalinism, The American Republican Party has extended a bonus to the batshit crazy element of American society by promising fortunes to any who inform on those who aid and abet in an abortion or discuss the planning of an abortion or offer assistance such as a ride to an abortion facility, or. . ., well, you get the idea. Christians, Muslims, conservatives, and control freaks everywhere, Rejoice! Our fear of feminine sexuality has won the day. Now, if we can just do something about uppity women in superior positions in employment we can truly say that, at last, culture based on religious extremism is within our grasp. Institutionalized misogyny is within our grasp. Praise Jesus!