The Alonzo Skelton blog exists as a forum for discussions of Alonzo’s sometimes rambling, sometimes laser-focused thoughts, interests, and opinions on art, literature, politics, and a little cultural voyeurism.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Analysis: Garrett Hardin, “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor”
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Summary: David Cole, "Five Myths About Immigration"
Photo by Barth
Bailey on Unsplash
David Cole, a Georgetown University
professor asserts in his essay, “Five Myths about Immigration,” (The Nation, October 17, 1994) that five
of the most commonly held and disseminated beliefs about immigration have no
basis in fact. He writes that the “Know Nothings” of the mid-nineteenth century
blamed every problem in American society on immigrants. The strongest
anti-German, anti-Irish, and anti-Catholic hysteria centered in New York and
Massachusetts, where most of the immigrants arrived into the country.
Fortunately, the Know-Nothing movement
died within fifteen years, but anti-immigrant fever is revived whenever the
American public feels in need of a scapegoat for their social ills. The German
and Irish immigrants--who were the focus of the Know-Nothings--have become “us”;
and “they” are now the new wave of immigrants, this time from Latin America and
The Five myths that fuel the current
distortion regarding immigration:
is being overrun with immigrants. Cole argues that we are a nation of
immigrants, and, in a sense, have thus always been overrun with immigrants. He
offers statistics to demonstrate that first-generation immigrants constitute a
lower percentage of the population now than during the German-Irish wave of the
late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Further statistics and
assertions indicate that undocumented immigrants make up a low percentage of
the total alien population, and of the total American population.
Immigrants take jobs from U.S. citizens. He dispels this myth with a reliance on a 1994 ACLU Immigrants’ Rights Project report that states that immigrants create more jobs than they fill.
Immigrants are a drain on society’s resources. Most studies have found that immigrants actually benefit the economy. Cole suggests that studies purporting to prove the truth of the third myth focus on taxes and services at the local level and fail when applied to the national level. The short-term costs of immigrants is offset and exceeded by the long-term benefits. Calls to deny public services to illegal immigrants are useless, because those immigrants already have no rights to services beyond basic education and health and safety services.
refuse to assimilate, and are depriving us of our cultural and political unity.
This accusation was made to exclude Chinese immigrants, and similar claims have
been made about almost all immigrant groups.
The anti-assimilation “myth” in untrue in
most instances, Cole says.
immigrants are not entitled to constitutional rights. The Constitution’s
Bill of Rights extends protection to everyone, with the exception that only
citizens can run vote and run for public office.
An 1893 executive branch defense of a
statute that required the testimony of “at least one white witness” resulted in
a Supreme Court ruling that the law was constitutional “because it was
reasonable for Congress to presume that nonwhite witnesses could not be
trusted.” Not much has changed: at the time of the writing of Cole’s essay, the
executive office had sought to deny First Amendment rights to permanent
resident aliens.
Today’s generation of “them” might be the
future generation of “us,” and they will not view our treatment of immigrants kindly.